Olive oil

All You Need To Learn About Olive Oil

olive-oilOlive oil is obtained from the olive tree, found in abundance in the Mediterranean region. The oil is extracted from the olive fruit through mechanical pressing or by the use of chemicals. Once extracted, the olive oil is used in cosmetics, soap manufacture, pharmaceutical industry, cooking, and traditionally as a fuel for lamps.

Spain is the largest producer of olive oil at approximately 44% of world’s production. Italy follows in the list, accounting for approximately 22% of world’s production. Other large producers of olive oil include Greece, Portugal and Syria. Most of the exported oil is of highest quality, commonly known as extra-virgin olive oil. Other classifications include refined olive oil and olive pomace oil.

Extra-virgin olive oil means that the oil has just been extracted from the olive fruits and no chemical treatment was done to improve the oil. The process entails pressing the olive fruits, washing the cake, decanting and centrifuging the mass to separate oil from the cake. Next, the olive oil is filtered and packaged without any other processes. It contains an acidity not exceeding 0.8% which gives the oil a strong taste. This olive oil finds application in serving soups and stews, for dipping and salads.

Below the grade of extra-virgin olive oil, we have virgin olive oil, which is slightly different in terms of acidity and taste. Its acidity is less than 1.5% and the oil has a good taste. Pure olive oil, in turn, constitutes a blend of virgin olive oil and refined olive oil. The oil simply termed as ‘olive oil’ is a composite of refined and virgin production oil of an acidity not exceeding 2%, usually with a slight flavour. Refined olive oil refers to that oil which has been treated using chemicals to reduce the potency of tastes and flavours. On the other hand, olive pomace oil is extracted from olive fruits using extraction solvents and heat. It is usually mixed with a little virgin olive oil and has similar health benefits with normal olive oil, though it is generally regarded as lower grade.

Olive oil falls in the category of healthy or ‘good’ oils, which contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are widely recommended by medical professionals and nutritionists, since they have a myriad of health benefits. To begin with, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids are considered to lower the risk of heart disease. They considerably lower the amount of harmful LDL- cholesterol in one’s body, thereby reducing heart related risks. Olive oil could also maintain normal blood clotting, sugar levels and normal regulation of blood sugar. A diet rich in carbohydrates and fibre e.g. from grains and fruits and vegetables, with little amounts of saturated/ trans-fats and a generous amount of olive oil forms the best diet for diabetics.

Olive oil contains is rich in carotenoids and oxidants e.g. vitamin E, which help reduce oxidants in the human body. According to a recent research, olive oil has been shown to help reduce maximum and minimum blood pressure when taken regularly. Studies have also pointed out that olive oil could help suppress cancerous tumours in breast, digestive tract, and prostate cancer. Olive oil is a healthy addition to complete any good diet.

Source: http://oljarna-hrvatin.si/en…

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UFO UFO sightings

UFO sightings reports by the Astronauts

Major Gordon Cooper was among not only the original Mercury Astronauts, but also the last American to fly into the space alone. It was on May 15, 1963 when he flew into the space being in a Mercury capsule for a journey going around the world. In his last orbit, he told the tracking station, which is in Australia that of a greenish, glowing objects, which he could see a head of him. He said it was quickly approaching his capsule. The UFO was both solid and real since the tracking radar managed to pick it.

The National Broadcasting Company made a report on the sightings by Cooper and covered the flight systematically. However, on cooper landing, the reporters could not get to question him about the UFO sightings. Ten years before, in 1951, Cooper saw a UFO while he was flying an F-86 Sabre jet going through Germany. This made him strongly believe in UFOs.

The UFOs were saucer-shaped, metallic discs and were at a considerable altitude. They out-maneuvered all the fighter planes from America. According to Cooper’s testimony before the United States, the extra-terrestrial vehicles together with their crew came from one of the planets and that most Astronauts were reluctant in discussing the UFOs.

In the interview by J.L Ferrando, Cooper said that, for several years, he was keeping a secret due to the secrecy kept on all astronautic specialists. He revealed that each day in the USA, their radar instruments could capture objects, with unknown composition and forms. There are many reports from witnesses and a number of documents, which also prove the existence of the UFOs. No one, however, wants to make it public since the authority wants to avoid any form of panic.

 According to Cooper, he was also one of the witnesses of an unusual phenomenon in the planet earth. While he was in Florida, he witnessed with his own eyes a place burning up with flames. There were also four indentions, kept by a flying object that descended in the middle of the field. Human beings had left the vessel since one could also see other traces to prove. The beings collected soil sample before going back to their origin, and their disappearance was at a great speed. Cooper, unfortunately, happened to know that the authority did all it could do to put away the incident from the press and TV and avoid any form of panicking situation.

Donald Slayton, another Mercury astronaut also made a revelation in an interview that he had witnessed a UFO in 1951. He was testing a P-51 in Minneapolis when he sighted the object. For the first time, he was thinking that the object was a kite before realizing that it was impossible for a kite to fly high. As he moved closer, it was looking more of a weather balloon. He had sighted the UFO on a bright, nice and sunny afternoon and was at about 10,000feet. On reaching the object, he realized it was a saucer-disk and was quickly going away from him. The object then suddenly disappeared.…

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Vrtni center Gašperin

Vrtni center Gašperin nam je omogočil popestriti teraso

Sedaj smo že kar nekaj časa želeli nekoliko popestriti našo teraso, ki jo imamo pred hišo. To pa zato, ker je bila ta relativno velika, vendar je bila tudi prazna, saj na njej nismo imeli veliko, razen večje vrtne mize in pa klopi, kjer smo lahko imeli med poletjem kakšno zunanje kosilo. No zato pa smo se odločili, da bomo našo teraso popestrili z kakšnim vrtom z rožami, saj bi ji to dodalo nekaj barve, ter bi bila tako bolj zanimiva.

Vrtni center Gašperin nam je omogočil popestriti teraso

No zato pa smo se odpravili v vrtni center Gašperin, ki je bil naš lokalni vrtni center, tako da nam je bil ta najbližje. Ko pa smo prispeli tja, pa smo bili pozitivno presenečeni, ko smo videli vse opcije, ki smo jih imeli pri vrtnemu centru Gašperin.

Tako pa smo si s prvim prihodom v vrtni center Gašperin, samo ogledali vse rože, da bi videli, kaj imamo na voljo, nato pa smo še kupili zemljo za rože, ter nekaj okrasnih kamnov, s katerimi bi lahko nekoliko zagradili vrt, ter ustvarili kakšno potko.

Nato pa smo se vrnili domov, kjer smo tedaj ustvarili približno velikost vrta, kjer smo uporabili to zemljo za rože, ter smo ga še zagradili z kamni. Tako pa smo tedaj vedeli, kako velik bo ta naš vrt, kar pa je pomenilo, da se lahko vrnemo v vrtni center Gašperin, saj smo tako vedeli, koliko rož bo potrebno kupiti. Tako pa smo si poleg rož, priskrbeli tudi razna grmičevja. To pa zato, ker bi se grmičevje lahko zelo lepo podalo, saj bi lahko dodalo nekaj zelenja med vsemi obarvanimi rožami.

No tako pa smo res kupili nekaj manjših grmovji in pa čim bolj barvno raznolike rože. Ko pa smo vse to posadili, pa smo bili z končnim produktom zelo zadovoljni, saj smo dosegli, kar smo želeli, torej da dodamo terasi nekaj barve in jo tako popestrimo.…

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